Wednesday, April 6

New Goal...

When David and I got married almost 4 years ago, I weighed 160 pounds. Marrying a more health concise person than I translated to my loosing weight... not by working out everyday and meticulously writing down what I ate, but because cooking for David meant making healthier choices. After being married for about 2 years I was down to 147 pounds. I was 'working out' (cardio) on the weekends, but never felt super motivated to go without David or really ever do weight work-outs. In my eyes, I was doing well because I was the thinnest I had ever been.

When we moved to Washington last June, I joined a gym almost right away. By this time, my weight had crept back up to 155 and I could no longer wear my size 4 jeans that I was so proud to buy. I thought I have the whole summer and so I'm going to make this a priority. That did not happen. I fell into my old routine of no routine. I found every excuse not to have time to work out because it just wasn't something I wanted to do. Don't get me wrong, once I'm there, I'm good. But getting to the gym is my battle. David joined the same gym shortly after I did and that pushed me to go whenever he did. I was averaging about 3 times per week. Feeling pretty good about my progress as a runner, I declared I would run the Rock'n'Roll Seattle half marathon in June.

I printed two different training schedules and laid out a plan on our white board calendar. And then... I failed. I didn't stick to any plan! I found myself in familiar territory of finding reasons not to go to the gym... and I couldn't run outside because well it rains a LOT here in the winter.

So now, I'm starting with a new goal of creating a routine. I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to buy a duffel bag to keep in my car, which I did. I'm hoping that taking this smaller step to combat my apathy toward the gym will give me results and make me happier. I'm hoping to be back down to 150 by Memorial Day and our trip to Vegas. Here it goes.

1 comment:

gv said...

Are you still running the half?