Obviously blogging does not rank among my most frequently completed tasks as evidenced by the very low number of posts completed in the last two years. And everytime I think I'll get back in the swing of things... something else seems to consume my time.
This is not just the case with blogging. It also happens with working out and healthy eating. I think I've cut soda from my life 4 times this year... and yet there still remains half a bottle of Coca-Cola in our refridgerator. Needless to say, my follow through leaves something to be desired.
So to make myself more inclined to complete the tasks...
1) On each day that I read another blog, I will update mine.
2) No more breakfast from a drive through... this includes starbucks. I'm going to set the timer on my coffee pot before bed... and make sure there are boiled eggs and english muffins for breakfast.
3) I'm buying a gym bag and lock to make going to the gym in the morning more attractive. Also, picking out an outfit before bed will make me more productive. This is the major goal so I can actually run the half marathon in June.
Fingers crossed that this time I'm able to follow through on my goals.